Total Boss Wealth & Wellness

Dominican Republic
4 Day Total  Immerison

August 2-5, 2023

Hey There! 

I bet you are a busy AF high performer that never takes time for yourself - you DESERVE a vacation, doubled as a high value personal growth experience, with like minded people!

You have a voice.. the cool thing about the DR mastermind?

Everyone Speaks.
Everyone Shares.
Everyone Gives & Receives High Value.
Everyone Wins.

I recently experienced the power of this - it is INSANE. 
I invite you to come along and share your story.

Your story is valid - you have gifts to share with the world.
This is the space - you know you have been wanting to share your story, experiences and wisdom for years - your time is now.

And it only helps others grow - this is how true growth happens, both for your biz and personally.

** NOTE! You do not have to talk / speak if you don't want to. If you would like to attend and not speak - just absorb and listen - that is absolutely fine :)

We are all goal oriented, impact driven people. 

We do the work here - in the beautiful, relaxing, upscale setting of the Dominican Republic. This is not take it home and do it later - this is right here right now!

You DESERVE this time for YOU - everyone in your inner circle elevates when you grow.

Again (yes, saying this twice)

You have a voice...everyone at the DR mastermind gets a chance to speak and share.
No one is left out.

You have a light and value to share with others.. we learn and grow by sharing, collaborating and masterminding.

As a speaker, you also receive:

1. Professional quality reels & photos from your talk from our photographer for your personal use / self promotion online

2. You may bring a soft offer / coupon to share with the audience.

3. BONUS!! As a speaker, if you get FOUR sign ups, your $1K is on US! YUP - you get your room & event for FREE with four sign ups! (excluding flights and daily resort fee).

Are you ready?

Plus you will feel so relaxed and refreshed! NECESSARY!*all-inclusive_banner%20(1)*jpg?alt=media&token=81958718-864d-4d23-90bf-2ab9f428f14b


Arrive - Day 1

August 2, Mid - Day. Check in to the event and resort.

Evening Group Welcome Celebration. 

Day 2 & 3
Mastermind - range of high value, relevant and applicable topics will be covered! 

We will be masterminding in a comfortable, intimate small group villa setting.

Including Downtime to hang, network and celebrate with aligned people just like you! 

GUYS NIGHT on Day 2, Hosted by Kyle & Eric!

Exclusive Total Boss client appreciation 

VIP Poolside Picnic on Day 3! 

Day 4

Morning Group Celebration Breakfast!

Depart Aug 5, Mid - Day***restaurant*jpg?alt=media&token=020093f6-56b8-45a6-984e-ca14ed2dbcf4
Total Boss Dominican is THE intimate place for high performers to relax, unwind, CELEBRATE themselves, while learning and connecting with deeply aligned, like minded people
What's The Investment?

One Person / Single:

$1,000 - Room & 4 day event - Paid to Total Boss

$145 Per Person Per Day All Inclusive Resort Fee - 

Paid to resort upon arrival 

Two People / Couple: (Save $400)!

$1,600 - Room & 4 day event - Paid to Total Boss  

$145 Per Person Per Day All Inclusive Resort Fee - 

Paid to resort upon 


Again, as a speaker, if you get FOUR sign ups, your $1K is on US! 

YUP - you get your room & event for FREE with four sign ups! (excluding flights and daily resort fee).

*Resort fee includes food, drinks (alcoholic & non alcoholic), access to resort.

**Flights excluded**

Payment Plans Available!

Next Steps?!  YAS! We are SO excited to have you! Thank you so much!

Click on I’m Coming - Sign me up!

Boring But Important Details:

As we need to book the rooms in advance-

**We must have your initial $1K or $1600 to Total Boss no later than April 15th.**

You may do 1/2 April 15th and 1/2 May 15th if needed.

Any sign ups after April 15th will be on a situational basis, as space is limited, and will be charged a $500 late fee. Spots are limited! 

***There are no refunds after April 15th, despite the circumstance***

Woohoo!! SO EXCITED!!
I Am Coming to the D.R. Mastermind!
Yes! We also hate spam and guarantee the security of your personal information.*crown*jpeg?alt=media&token=c42b5722-7ced-4843-ab79-8af81c2fef18


Jeremy Schreifels

Producer, Author, Coach
Topic: Your Soundtrack to Success*monica*jpg?alt=media&token=0f553e4d-d94a-41a9-8fef-1a43c994f17b

Monica Burke

Entrepreneur - Speaker - Real Estate Expert

Topic: Creating your own momentum during idle times.*britttany*jpg?alt=media&token=279ad2a2-2e17-4b7d-a0e9-f11b067a9c53

Brittany Ballard*preview*jpg?alt=media&token=3f2a35f2-78b6-4436-8772-3321ce8c195a

Kate Jiggins

Grief & Trauma Psychologist. Hypnotherapist
Author - Business Owner

Topic: Crushing Limiting Beliefs 
*offering a 1-1 custom, individualized experience at the 
event including a 30 minute follow up call for all event attendees as a gift.

Email: [email protected] to claim your exclusive spot with Kate!*299106867_10160352758749402_7835308683043940785_n*jpg?alt=media&token=99dde6e3-a79f-4943-8ff1-f0b8d232e13b

Joshua Luther

The Worlds Best Emcee!*1658152998545_272565474_10220900125267978_4742913802908282724_n_jpg?alt=media&token=a4a1ec9e-5b56-476a-ae4a-d656c94ecbae

Nell Tice

Entrepreneur - Podcast Host - All Media

Topic: Getting Out of a Situation You Hate and Into One You Love

She will also be our photographer / videographer!!

Plus More To Be Announced!!

Your Photo & Topic Here :)

Important Notes

 Even though Total Boss is four days, your room is good for a few extra days! 

The resort books rooms in one week intervals.

You may stay just for Total Boss, or stay for an additional 1-3 days.

Feel free to check out the Dominican afterward the event is over!

There's tons of things to do; hiking, excursions, bars, restaurants, casino, or, my favorite, just sit, do nothing and have FUN!

Whether you stay for additional time does NOT affect the initial cost of your room / Total Boss - it DOES AFFECT your "all inclusive resort cost".

If you choose to stay an extra day or two, you must pay the DAILY resort all inclusive fee of $145 (food, drinks, access to the resort amenities).

Most flights to the D.R. arrive and depart in the afternoons.

Therefore, The M Event is 1/2 day on day 1, full day on 2&3,

1/2 day on day 4

Passport Required

Miranda Jiggins LLC & Total Boss Wealth & Wellness are not financially responsible for any losses,stolen items, unforeseen circumstances damages, personal injury or death. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Thank you so much!! See ya there!!
 Don't forget your swimwear!*004d7de8113b1ec33a93248299f26d6d*jpg?alt=media&token=fcbcdfd4-7a72-446c-9bcb-4407f5bc09f2*crown*jpeg?alt=media&token=c42b5722-7ced-4843-ab79-8af81c2fef18*2018_Royal-Villas_24-700x400*jpg?alt=media&token=8aa58121-1093-4346-80d7-42ba834d7c1e*0BE071D3-EFD1-4C61-84BE-9BCADE7DDC7F*jpg?alt=media&token=74ffaa98-c663-4a77-9cfa-5dc343e13fc8